To answer your question, we can say: it all takes just 4 months to build an ecommerce website. Just like any other professional, ZoomIT is always working with new projects. So, we have to follow a basic structure for creating an eCommerce website from scratch.

Almost every professional company wants to follow a set rule. And here we can guide you with our set rule for eCommerce website development.

Different Steps of an eCommerce Website Development Project

Building an ecommerce website can take a significant amount of time, depending on the complexity and size of the site. Generally, we, The Zoom IT, take at least a few weeks to build a basic ecommerce website. However, more complex sites may take months to complete.

[NB: Before you proceed to read, know why we are the best website design company ]

Well, there are a few steps you need to follow every time. Let’s have a look at the

Designing the User Interface

The first step in building an ecommerce website is designing the user interface. This involves creating layouts for the pages, designing the logo, and creating the graphics.

Back-end Database

Once the design is complete, the next step is to create the back-end database. This stores all of the products and information about the customers.

Writing the Code

After the database is created, the next step is to write the code for the website. This includes the shopping cart, checkout process and all the other features of the site. After writing the code, you have to test them to make sure it runs smoothly.

Launch and Promotion

Finally, the site must be launched and promoted. This includes creating a website, writing press releases and getting the site listed in the search engines.

[NOTE: Follow our latest content on – Tips for creating an effective website design]

Steps to Create an Ecommerce Website

Almost every professional company has a general setup for creating an eCommerce website. Even ZoomIT follows a proper step-to-step procedure. We don’t know anything about other professional companies but based on our agency’s point of view, we can guide you with the step by step procedure here:

[ You can also check our content on – Cost for eCommerce website development ]


Time Required: 30 days


When starting an ecommerce website, planning is key. You need to consider what your website will offer, what features it will have, and how you will make it stand out from the competition. You also need to create a plan for marketing and promoting your website. By planning thoroughly and strategically, you can create a website that is successful and profitable.

  • First step: Determine the purpose of your website. What do you want it to accomplish? Do you want to sell products or services, or just provide information? Once you know your goals, you can start designing your website. Your website should be easy to use and navigate, with a layout that is attractive and user-friendly.
  • Second Step: Choose the right platform for your website. There are many different platforms to choose from, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. You need to choose one that is suitable for your needs and that you are comfortable using.
  • Third Step: Now, you have to start creating content. This includes everything from the text on your website to the images and videos. Content is essential for drawing traffic to your website and keeping visitors engaged. Make sure you create a marketing plan, including strategies for attracting customers and promoting your website.

By planning carefully and strategically, you can create a successful and profitable ecommerce website. And this is the first stage towards building the right website for eCommerce business.


Time Required: 45 days


There are many important aspects to analyze when launching an ecommerce website. Perhaps the most important is understanding the needs of your customers and designing your website to meet those needs. In order to make an ecommerce website successful, you must first understand what makes customers buy online.

There are several factors that influence customer behavior when shopping online. Understanding these factors will help you design a website that encourages customers to buy. The most important factors are listed here below:

Convenience: Customers want to be able to shop online whenever and wherever they want. So make sure you ensure a convenient eCommerce platform. Plan for the major improvements.

Variety: Customers want to be able to find what they are looking for online. They want to be able to browse a variety of products and compare prices before making a purchase. Make sure the eCommerce store has a proper cart and shopping option.

Price: Price and payment integration is another important aspect of an eCommerce website. You need to have a good idea about the price of your products and how you will adjust them on your website.

Security: You need to be able to ensure customer data safety from your website. Making sure you have a secured website is vital for the success of your website.

Customer Service: Analyzing customer services from competitors can help you improve customer service on your eCommerce website.

Brand Loyalty: Professional companies always analyze brand loyalty programs. This is a crucial thing to consider for any eCommerce platform.

Social Media: Social media being a major platform for potential customers, analyzing the market there is another essential thing.

Understanding these factors will help you design a website that is more likely to be successful.


Time Required: 30 days


Some important design considerations for ecommerce websites include:

Layout: The layout of your website should be easy to navigate and allow shoppers to find the products they are looking for quickly.

Shopping cart: Design an easy-to-use shopping cart and allow shoppers to check out quickly and easily.

Images: Using high-quality images can make a visually appealing website. So, you need unique images to make your website attractive.

Fonts and Typography: For the fonts, finding professional and easy-to-read typography is essential. Choose typography based on the plan and analysis.

Colors: Good set of colors can increase your site’s design by a margin.

When designing your ecommerce website, it is important to keep the needs of your shoppers in mind. By following the tips above, you can create a website that is both visually appealing and an easy-to-use website to convert shoppers into buyers.


Time Required: 60 days


Now, you need to design the website’s back-end. The back-end will include the web site’s database and business logic. And the database will store the website’s product information, and the business logic will control the website’s functionality.

Once the back-end is developed, the next step is to develop the website’s front-end. The front-end will include the website’s HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The HTML will define the website’s structure, the CSS will style the website’s layout, and the JavaScript will add interactivity.

There are many advantages of developing an ecommerce website from scratch, as opposed to using a platform or pre-made solution.

First and foremost, you have complete control over the design, functionality, and features of your store. This also gives you the ability to tailor the shopping experience to your specific needs and requirements.

Another advantage of developing an ecommerce website from scratch is that you can optimize the code for search engine optimization (SEO). This is important, as SEO is critical for driving traffic to your store and boosting sales. By optimizing the code, you can make your site more visible to search engines and improve your ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Additionally, developing an ecommerce website from scratch gives you the flexibility to integrate with external systems and services. For example, you may want to use a payment gateway to process payments, or a shipping company to handle shipping and delivery. By integrating with these systems, you can streamline the checkout process and improve the overall customer experience.

Content Integration

Time Required: 25 days


There is no doubt that content is king when it comes to ecommerce websites. After all, content attracts visitors, engages them, and convinces them to buy your products or services.

However, creating content for an ecommerce website can be a tricky business. You need to make sure that your content is not only engaging and persuasive but also accurate and up-to-date. Here are a few tips to help you create content for your ecommerce website:

Make sure your content is accurate and up-to-date

One of the most important things to remember when creating content for an ecommerce website is that it needs to be accurate and up-to-date. After all, you don’t want to be promoting products that are no longer available, or that have been discontinued.

Write informative and engaging product descriptions

When it comes to writing product descriptions, it’s important to be both informative and engaging. You need to give potential buyers all the information they need to make an informed decision, but you also need to make sure that your descriptions are interesting to read.

Use images and videos to showcase your products

One of the best ways to showcase your products is to use images and videos. This will give potential buyers a better idea of what your products look like, and it will also help to engage them.

Write blog posts about your products and services

Another great way to promote your products and services is to write blog posts about them. This will help to attract visitors to your website, and it will also help to educate potential buyers about what you have to offer.

Promote your products on social media

Finally, don’t forget to promote your products on social media. This is a great way to reach a wider audience, and it can also help to increase traffic to your website.


Time Required: 1 day


By following these steps, you can minimize the chances of any problems occurring and ensure that your new website is up and running as quickly and smoothly as possible:

  • First Step: You need to first plan out the launch. This includes deciding on a launch date, creating a launch plan, and making sure that all of the necessary preparations have been made. Once the launch date is set, you will need to create a timeline for the launch and make sure that all of the necessary tasks are completed on time.
  • Second Step: Now, test the website. This includes testing all of the features and functionality of the website, as well as making sure that it is compatible with all of the major browsers. A comprehensive guide on the best cross browser testing tools the tools that help the site perform seamlessly across different environments. This step helps identify and rectify any discrepancies, enhancing user experience and overall site reliability. Thorough cross-browser testing guarantees that your website maintains its functionality and aesthetic appeal regardless of the browser used. It is also important to test the website’s performance and make sure that it is able to handle the anticipated amount of traffic.
  • Third Step: After the test is complete, it is time to launch it. In order to minimize the chances of any problems occurring, it is important to follow the launch plan closely. This includes doing a final test of the website just before the launch and making sure that all of the necessary systems are in place.

Final Step: It is important to keep an eye on the website and make sure that everything is running smoothly. That’s why monitoring the website’s performance and responding to any problems that may occur is the key for a successful website launch.


Time Required: Not set


Generally, you don’t need to worry about adding too much on revisions. Rather, you need to match the final output in accordance with your plan. This gives you a good idea of the final result.

Usually, professional companies take 7 to 15 days for revisions. They check for any bugs in the process. Also, if you are not satisfied with some developments, revisions are the best way to make sure you get what’s right.

Sum Up

Creating an eCommerce website from scratch requires time. Modern-day solutions may offer one-click website creating options. However, relying on free options cannot help you.

Instead, you should onboard a professional website development company to get a professional eCommerce website. Professional services will devise a routined plan for your website development. And you can just sail ahead for the next big eCommerce business. You can visit our portfolio and get a good idea about eCommerce website design.